Saturday 10 June 2017

Video: A Nigerian Sosoliso plane crash survivor Kechi Okwuchi, thrills the America’s Got Talent Audience In An Amazing Voice

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Watch the Nigerian Sosoliso plane crash survivor Kechi Okwuchi as she thrilled the America’s Got Talent audience in a spectacular voice.
She comes up on the stage, looking…”Oh, which mild word should we use to describe her look?” Well, we all know for sure know how a plane crash survivor would look after the horrific incident.
From her looks, the judges and of course audience, were thinking it was going to be one hell of a bad performance but unbelievably, before their very eyes they were all swept off their feet.   
When she opens her mouth, even before she started singing, they had all adjusted their seats for a thrill. That voice had a bomb in it; it was more than spectaculars.  Her outstanding performance got her a standing innovation, with clapping and cheering from the audience. See for yourself as you watch the video.
Kachi who also graduated with a First Class from the University of Thomas Houston Texas on May 16th, 2015 as reported by Nigerian Monitor. She was subsequently inducted into 6 academic honour societies. She majored in Economics.

She’s a survivor of the Port Harcourt bound Sosoliso flight that crashed on the runway, killing 107 out of 109 people on board. She is one of the only two survivors in the plane. The incident happened on 10th December, 2005.

Kechi has had more than 100 surgeries, including skin grafts in the US as a result of the severe burns which had all over her body according to Nigerian Monitor.  This didn’t stop her from achieving success in life. Meaning, you are the only limitation to your own greatness, nothing else is.

Drop a comment for her if you care.


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